22 November 2009

WYMAT #5: Universe vs. Brain Cell

Holy moley. On this WYMAT, I've found a link between our brain and our universe, well someone else has, but I'm exposing it to those of you who don't know. Here's the picture (click to view full image and read captions):

WYMAT. It's crazy.

20 November 2009

Green-Eyed Look

Alright, just to be clear, this is only my first draft of it and it's about no one in particular. I just looked in the mirror, saw that I had green eyes that day, and wrote. It's not really in any particular order. Hope you enjoy:

He's got that smirk upon that face
He's got that green-eyed look
The face of uncontainable craze
That look I never mistook

Comin' in on a drinkin' streak
Been poundin' the past few days
Fixin' to start a fight tonight
With the first who passes his gaze

Too much whiskey, too many pints
Blood slowly thinning
Alcohol now his main source of fuel
Whimsical, drunk, and grinning

Family straight from Ireland
Once a child misbegotten
The past has been ingrained in his mind
His heritage ne'er forgotten

This man is in shambles, his life is a mess
so watch out for his green-eyed look

18 November 2009

WYMAT #4: Dimensions

The inspiration for this WYMAT post was shown to me by my little brother, as he likes mind-warping things as well. The videos below explain the concept of dimensions. It may take you a little while to get, so you may need to watch it a couple of times.

Now go and WYMAT!

17 November 2009


Right to the head
something's a brewin'.
I can feel it in my limbs,
in these old bones.
No need for more caffeine
time to switch up drinks.
All this for naught.
Saw it a long time comin'.
We gotta go soon.
It can't end up well.
Get outta this here hole.
Get back where we came from.
I'm overwhelmed.
It's pressing down.
I can feel it in my limbs,
in these old bones.
Up ahead is daunting,
ready to strike any moment.
Within a blink
we could be gone.
Take cover and pray.
Shield your own head.
It should all wind down soon.
Saw it a long time comin'.
Oh boy was I right!
What a bruin it was!
I felt it in these limbs,
in these old bones.

-Inspired by the music of Explosions in the Sky and isochronic tones

WYMAT 3: Cheesy

Hello all. Tonight's WYMAT is brought to you by Californian farmers: "Great cheese come from happy cows. Happy cows from California."
Actually, this edition comes from a comic by Candy Chang (site here). Most of this comes from a carton of milk: "Okay. Say all you ever ate was cheese...All you got was one type of cheese...So all your life you eat is smoked swiss...You love smoked swiss, but that's all you eat. ever....How does it taste?...Smoky, but you don't know what smoky tastes like because you've never had anything not smoky!...Okay. So one day you are introduced to all the cheeses of the world. You get to eat them all...everything tastes better...your smoked swiss tasted better because now you know what makes it so special and your appreciation of smoked swiss gives you a better understanding of all the other cheeses."

WYMAT and apply...

03 November 2009

WYMAT once again (#2)

Time for yet another WYMAT update. I finally found something, thanks to StumbleUpon, that took me a while to decipher and understand. This comes from a great story about an engineer at some conference (Link here -> http://www.fudco.com/chip/deconstr.html ):

"The essential paradigm of cyberspace is creating partially situated identities out of actual or potential social reality in terms of canonical forms of human contact, thus renormalizing the phenomenology of narrative space and requiring the naturalization of the intersubjective cognitive strategy, and thereby resolving the dialectics of metaphorical thoughts, each problematic to the other, collectively redefining and reifying the paradigm of the parable of the model of the metaphor."

Catch that language? If you did, I encourage you to sit on that for a while.

Stuart Landers